Sunday, May 12, 2024

Across the Neighborhoods


Final destination st Hubert street, took me across at least six neighborhoods including NDG, Hampstead, Outremont, Mile End, Little Italy and La Petite-Patrie where I stopped to make this painting. The location is Place Hector-Prud'homme a tiny postage stamp of a park mostly paved with concrete, its surrounded by what appear to be crab apple trees that were in full pink blossom. Sitting to eat a snack and rest after a long bike ride, the fellow on the bench down the way started smoking some pungent pot that wafted over. Along with the Arabic music he was playing on the radio it was quite the experience painting these flowers high up in the sky. First I outlined the flowers in purple magenta (PR122) then filled in the bus and building outlines, and finished with the green foliage, dark brown branches and details on the bus which I had to memorize since buses tend to move a lot.

Crab-apple Flowers High, watercolour 5 x 7" cold press, May 2024


To get to the Aquarium du Nord I cut down this rather smelly alley it was recycling day apparently the cat didn't mind. Some of the alleys in Montreal are astounding, I've seen photography books that feature such scenes. The back alleys are mainly for access, services, and emergencies, but they also take on a life of their own. Various cladding, facades, murals, brick, rust, wood, wired and steel staircases adorned this scene adjacent to st Hubert street. A cat walked by, but it looks more like a dog in the painting!

Alley Cat Smelly Alley, watercolour 5 x 7" cold press, May 2024 (No. 3753a)


It's been a good few days for the flowering trees, last year it was very brief then we got rain and wind. This year the flowers came out and this weekend especially it was perfect. With rain on tap for the next three days I may have caught the window. This pink tree was just above the Beaubien metro station which I have painted before on several occasions during the 68 station of the Montreal metro series. The only spot to set up was on a distant corner, the rest of the sidewalk was too narrow and crowded to place my bike. I made the pink tree more detailed than the rest of the painting so it stands out more. The traffic was painted as if it were moving, which it was of course. It captures that fleeting moment in the city when you see something colourful and interesting.

Pink tree over Beaubien Station, watercolour 5 x 7" cold press, May 2024 (No. 3753b)

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