Sunday, May 5, 2024

World Inspired Landscapes: Myanmar


Myanmar, formerly or currently known as Burma is wedged between India, China and several other countries in south east Asia. Its central location puts Myanmar in the midst of global superpowers and multiple cultural influences. Historically, there are Homo erectus remains going back 750,000 years and early humans back to 25,000 years ago. Truly a cradle of humanity, Myanmar saw all of the ages from stone to metal to the internet age! It was ruled by various kingdoms until falling under the British empire until world war 2 when it saw horrendous fighting. Since then, there have been civil wars and controversies within the country on top of severe weather events. The geography of Myanmar is quite diverse, most of it appears to be low lying grasslands probably once jungle cleared for agriculture, rolling hills, and some steep rocky mountains with waterfalls. 

So far in the series I have painted a few waterfalls, Costa Rica and Colombia come to mind as two examples. In this version, I kept the colour scheme subdued, just a dark yellow (PY43 + PBk6) and variations of green and turquoise. To paint the cascading water first I outlined the rocks to give form, then painted in the water textures as if flowing around the rocks. It was a good opportunity to practice some brush techniques and remind myself how the paper handles. I had this paper once before and quite liked it...Strathmore Aquarius II, a synthetic cotton blend cold press watercolour paper, only 80lb weight yet it doesn't buckle even with copious amounts of water. Its discontinued by the manufacturer so I bought all that was remaining at Avenue des Arts, a pack of 10 sheets measuring 22 x 30" .

World Inspired Landscapes: Myanmar, watercolour 8 x 10" cold press, May 2024 (No. 3850)

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