Thursday, May 9, 2024

Snowdon Bakery Delivery Door

We are lucky to have a few great bakeries in town including Meunerie Urbaine up on Monkland avenue, and Snowdon Bakery down on Harley street. In the painting I depict the delivery door of the Snowdon bakery where trucks roll up to the driveway and bring in carts full of flour and baking supplies in. There is an even bigger door for bringing palettes in and out around the side. There is a large antique vent on the wall, it used to have a rusted patina until they painted it with red ochre (iron oxide) rust protecting coat. On the right you can see Rafi auto mechanic in the background with its distinctive painted white brick walls and red trim. 

I liked the subtle variations in yellows, you see the yellow dandelions on the bottom right near my signature, the yellow post which protects the brick wall from trucks backing up, and the pale yellow ochre bricks. Mixing these three shades of yellow is tricky, the bricks are yellow ochre (PY43) with some greyish purple mixed in (PB60 + PR179 + PV55), the post is similar but with bright yellow added (PY154), and the dandelions are bright yellow with a dab of orange (PY154 + PO62). Sometimes I think these 'lunch hour' paintings or 'on my way to somewhere else' paintings are the best ones!

Snowdon Bakery Delivery Door, watercolour 5 x 7" cold press, May 2024 (No. 3750b)

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