Friday, May 24, 2024

Construction Yard

For some reason they are building a massive apartment building down on st Jacques street right next to the escarpment area. The road is extremely congested on a good day, so adding all these condos in the midst of it seemed odd, not to mention the Paramalat factory is next door, which has giant vats of toxic gas that necessitate an emergency warning siren that is tested once a year. In case of toxic gas, close your windows and tell pertinent people that you love them. It makes little sense to mix residential and industrial, but there is a housing crisis after all. In the painting I show a cross section of the giant hole with a welder working at the bottom on some fittings.

Welder, watercolour 5 x 7" 80lb, May 2024 (No. 3761b)

Standing on the other corner looking across I did this panoramic of the construction yard and the bus station. In the background you see the trees that line the escarpment. The escarpment is where there used to be an edge of a lake. Just think about how much more valuable these apartments would be if there was a lake right next to it !

Construction Yard Bus Stop, watercolour 5 x 7" 80lb, May 2024 (No. 3765a)

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