Monday, May 6, 2024

Pink Tree Next Door

After a long and dreary winter and protracted rainy spring we finally get a bit of colour in the neighborhood including some local tulips, and this tree from a few weeks back. Today the sky cleared and we had a sunny afternoon, this painting was done just before sunset looking to the neighbor's house and their neat pink flowering tree, probably a crab apple. Flower petals were already falling to the ground showing us how short these types of blooms remain. The technique for this drew on the past few attempts. I cut the magenta (PR122) with daubs of yellow ochre (PY43) and some diluted red (PR254). Working in successive layers I applied a damp yellow-orange glow, followed by shadowed red (adding a bit of violet PV55) and then working on the textured daubs as it dried. The rest of the painting is left intentionally drab, a lot of flat green brown and that sensational sky blue. Someone walking by really liked this painting and took a picture of it and got the Instagram address where I post paintings from time to time.

Pink Tree Next Door, watercolour 8 x 10" 80lb cold press, May 2024 (No. 3871)

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