Saturday, May 25, 2024

Nice day in the neighborhoods (ville st Henri)

Ville st Henri is a small neighborhood wedged between downtown Montreal and Verdun, it runs along the major highway 720. This scene shows the train bridge and underpass, with the shimmering downtown sky scrapers in the distance. The contrast between old brick with the new glass makes for great compositions.

Train Bridge ville st Henri, watercolour 5 x 7" 80lb, May 2024 (No. 3766a)


Looking for something to paint in the neighborhood I saw this very narrow apartment building. Although it looks like this from the front, it actually fans out on both sides, like a thin wedge of cheese. It kind of represents the neighborhood in many ways, wedged between bigger things, old brick, and recently renovated, i.e. gentrified.

Narrow Apartment, watercolour 5 x 7" 80lb, May 2024 (No. 3767)

A large warehouse structure had the words machine shop faded but still visible on the brick work. More prominent was a white and violet graffiti that I morphed into my signature, as on the train bridge in the first painting. The building was textured and interesting, but when I saw the sky scraper in the distance the scene came together. An ominous presence of down town Montreal, greedily eyeing all the land and old structures it can gobble up next.

Machine Shop, watercolour 8 x 10" 80lb, May 2024 (No. 3869a)

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