Saturday, May 18, 2024

Palette Puzzle

Part palette update, part palette cleanser, this abstract painting is a real palette puzzle. An artist's choice of paint is very personal, it reflects their style and approach to the craft. Sometimes it just reflects which paints you happen to buy. In the old days I would use whatever paints I could get on sale, for example I had the privilege of visiting the original Sennelier paint shop on left bank Paris in '08 and they had a bin full of discount paints. To this day I still have one, its the rusty brown colour up in the top right (Red Brown PBr7). Since 2018 onwards I started a more systematic approach to choosing paints and settled on a so called 'colourists palette' covering a wide range of high chroma (intense) colours, dark variations, and a selection of earth paints. You can see each one in the puzzle pieces, although its not a puzzle you could actually solve. 

Palette Puzzle, watercolour 9 x 12" watercolour paper, May 2024 (No. 3838)

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