Wednesday, May 22, 2024

Between storms (over the auto shop)

Between storms, I snuck out to make a quick painting of the sky over the auto shop across the street. It was good just to cool off since we don't have or plan to get air conditioning. Living on the lower floor corner apartment makes it possible, had I bought on second or third floors it would be a whole different story with heat rising. Since everyone else has air conditioning, I can just open my front (interior facing) door and let the cool air rush in from the hallways. To do the painting I first established the sky by using wet washes of various hue and value. The trick is to get the moisture just right so the washes don't completely blend into one monotonous grey, and have a pleasant feathering effect like you see in the painting. Switching colours on your brush inevitably changes the moisture levels which takes some practice to gauge correctly. The rest of the scene is done at low chroma grey, brown, blue and green with light orange highlights. I like the way the orange and blue blended together in the sky up at the top left.

Between storms (over the auto shop), watercolour 5 x 7" 80lb, May 2024 (No. 3764)

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