Thursday, May 30, 2024

Light and Shadow at the Park


Looking at the bleachers in shadow against the field in light presented quite a challenge. The dark shadow on the field completely enveloped the bleachers making the lower two thirds of the painting a dark grey value. Painting from bottom to top it all looked rather gloomy until I put the brilliant yellow wash on the lit part of the field. Adding the interesting trees capped off the painting. Often times there is a moment, a brush stroke, a wash, a detail that suddenly makes the painting come alive. You can only see the finished product here, but I see the painting emerge in front of my eyes. Too bad I can't make videos of the process, maybe its something to work on but I abhor technology when painting on location.

Bleachers shadow field light, watercolour 5 x 7" 80lb, May 2024 (No. 3774a)


They set up a play area with horseshoe pits, lawn bowling, and croquet pitches in Trenholme park. Colourful flags adorn the rusty fence. The sun was almost down making for a difficult scene. I would rather paint this on the horizontal and enhance the chroma on the foreground flags. With another sunny day slated for tomorrow I can probably swing by the park again.

Fence with flags, watercolour 5 x 8" 80lb, May 2024 (No. 3775a)

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