Wednesday, July 1, 2020

Palette Cleanser #8

Palette cleaning was never my thing, I painted with mud and greys all the time. But with a new appreciation of colour I have been keeping it neat, which means removing all the mixtures off my palette before I go painting. To apply paint, I squeeze it from the tube and give it at least overnight to dry out and form a semi-solid blob which can last for weeks but needs to be cleaned. Other artists use the paint fresh from the tube but this can only be done in the studio, not easily on location when the palette needs to be moved about. Pans are another way to paint watercolours, the company pours paint in a little plastic container and it is already semi-solid when you buy it. I never liked pans but recently acquired a set of them from the Stoneground Paint Company, for example in the Armenia World Inspired Landscape. The painting in this blog used a lot of iron oxides and magenta, with some yellows and greens. I have a few paint tubes I want to faze out and I might just do a large painting using just those colours at masstone (full strength), they include ultramarine PB29, magenta PR122, and prussian blue PB27, all of which have issues with lightfastness or acid.
9x12" watercolour paper, watercolour, June 2020

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