Sunday, July 12, 2020

Your Melting Heart

Hot times call for hot paintings. This was one of eight paintings I did last Friday in the sweltering heat of the apartment which does not have air conditioning. Its not the money, just the extra energy required seems a lot to keep cool a few days a year so we enjoy the sauna every now and then. Maybe I had a touch of heat delusion, I only intended to do one painting like this to use up the french ultramarine and it turned into a series of eight paintings.  I'm calling the group "Endless Colour", since I used huge amounts of paint on each one. After a whole lifetime of skimping and stretching my paint, I decided to just go for it and use up some tubes that were either too old, or I am phasing out. The reasoning for each paint was in a previous blog called painting notes. The painting shown here is the only one that has a recognizable feature, the heart, although you may think you see other things, like an ink blot test. All of these were done on the B side of other paintings. Artists have been recycling their surfaces for ages, with oil painting they can paint over, with watercolour, you can paint on the back. If I ever sell one it will cost twice as much! 22x30" cold press, watercolour, 2020 (B side of Superencrypted)

Here is a list of the other ones, and the pigments used in brackets. I'll get some good photos and post them from time to time maybe in groups.

Endless colour series,

Titles by Cilei and Peter

1. Feeling cool (PB29, PB27)
2. Trapped under the ice (PB29, PB27)
3. Spring fawns dancing across a sun-kissed meadow (PY175, PB29)
4. Your melting heart (PR122, PB29)
5. Rogue rouge (PV19+PR122, PR209)
6. Blood cell clotting factor (PR233, PR209, PV19+PR122)
7. Under the microscope (PB15, PV19+PR209+PR233+PR122)
8. Blue suede shoe polish (PB15, PW6+Mica irridescent moonstone)

This is what is on the front side of them...
1. Flower boxes green and purple 300lb
2. Flower boxes pink and green 300lb
3. Flower in box 300lb
4. Superencrypted 140lb
5. Floating cathedral statues 140lb
6. The deluge 140lb
7. Life of an onion 140lb
8. The end of colour 140lb

the weight refers to paper thickness, 300lb press is a very thick cardboard-like paper, 140lb press is a thinner more flexible version.

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