Wednesday, July 15, 2020

Feeling cool

I was trying out the 'pages' feature of the blog and it was just a way to have certain blogs linked together. Today I discovered how to use the label feature, so each blog will get a label or labels that identify groups. You can click on the label on the blog, or there is a label menu. This is a lot easier on my end, and more powerful, so if you want to see all the early work blogs for example, you just click the label.

This was an Endless Colour painting using up the last of my French Ultramarine (PB29) from Winsor and Newton which I had for years since it was a 37 mL (extra large size) tube. There is nothing wrong with ultramarine blue, in fact it is the best possible blue with high value and chroma, but it is sensitive to acids as I found out. I wrote about it in the ultramarine sickness blog, and the acid test blog,  groovy. The under painting is with prussian blue (PB27) from Holbein, which I like a lot but its lightfastness rating was not great. Also, prussian blue changes when it dries making it unpredictable in washes and mixtures.

The painting was done on a very hot day, and I wanted to give myself some visual cooling therapy. If you stare at this painting long enough and close enough it will literally lower you body temperature!

22 x 30" cold press, 300lbs (B side Flower boxes green and purple), July 2020

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