Tuesday, July 21, 2020

Palette cleanser #17, new palette setup

From the makers of tetris comes a new game called WTF? Just kidding this is not a computer game, it is another palette cleanser painting which I do when I clean or adjust my painting palette. After a lot of painting over the weekend I had cause to clean the palette a lot, then I decided to finally redo the order and colour choices. So I had a lot of extra paint to use up for this one! Almost every colour is used, although the so called warm colours dominate the shapes, while phthalo and indo blue complete the background. Cilei liked this one, she though it would make good fabric print for a purse or something. I could see this being a pillow case! 9 x 12" watercolour paper, watercolour, July 2020

Here is a depiction of my new palette set up I started using this week. The colours mostly follow their hue angle starting with yellow and going clockwise in a circle. The benzi yellow (PY154) appears twice because I always have one for mixing warms and one for mixing greens. Changes include bringing perylene maroon back on board, and dropping neutral tint. I also dropped pyrolle vermillion hue and quinacridone red so now I can fit all the earth tones in the mixing slots. The lower right mixing area is now free and I can use it to mix the sky colour cleanly. I have the iron oxide red which is virtually identical to the burnt sienna deep (I incorrectly wrote PR100, should be PR101 on the red iron oxide/burnt sienna). There are 17 paints here (double yellow for 18), I said, lets keep it at 18 and pick your favorites. The previous palette was a little too complicated, and I had trouble mixing clean blue for the sky. So far I like this setup, just finished a new Loyola Park painting. July 19 2020

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